Trans Rights Cover for SAC

Cover — Editorial Design

Faced with low art budgets, I've been leaning on AI creation tools more and more recently. At first, I was deeply against the idea, but as time has passed Ive begun to embrace it as a tool that can help me achieve the creative goals I have before me. While there are still several ethical questions yet to be answered when it comes to the source of learning material these tools have used, for the time being I am trying to be as ethical as possible with the use of AI.

This cover was created using two different prompts, one for the flag, and one for the suited hand holding the lighter. Looking at it up close, you can still see the inaccuracies of the software. But with a little Photoshop love the intended message still come across.

Tools Used

Adobe Firefly
Adobe Photoshop
Topaz Gigapixel AI


Publication: San Antonio Current
Sanford Nowlin

Cover for San Antonio Current on Trans Rights in Texas
Cover for San Antonio Current on Trans Rights in Texas
Cover for San Antonio Current on Trans Rights in Texas